December 19, 2023

Big Nick Energy

Big Nick Energy

Title: Big Nick Energy
Author: Lani Lynn Vale
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: December 19, 2023
Cover Designer: Alyssa Garcia at Uplifting Author Services
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Big Nick Energy is a compilation of things that I’ve written as companion pieces to already published novels.

Get updates on your favorite couples during COVID-19. These stories were written in the very first weeks of the Covid-19 Pandemic. You’ll see some of your favorite couples as they navigate that time period. Their coping mechanisms to being locked down can be kind of…flamboyant.

Somethin’ About That Boy: You’ll get some of the ‘rest of the story’ from Banner and Perry’s new life together far away from their family and friends. But don’t worry, big, rich, all grown up and famous Slone and Titus make appearances in their update. You’ll also get the story between Blue and Titus that you’ve been waiting for in Titus’s very own short story.

But don’t despair, Viddy and Trance, as well as their kids, have their own Christmas story, too!

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