Title: Vodka on the Rocks Series: Uncertain Saints MC, Book 3 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: MC Romance Release Date: July 6, 2016 Photographer: Furious Fotog Cover Model: Dylan Hortsch Blurb: There are rules to life that one just obeys in order in her attempt stay on...
New Releases & Other News
Kilgore Fire: Flash Point
Title: Flash Point Series: Kilgore Fire, Book 2 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: June 2, 2016 Photographer: Furious Fotog Cover Model: Quinn Biddle Blurb: Masen Crisfield fell in love with Booth Jones when she was sixteen years old. Booth...
The Uncertain Saint’s MC: Jack & Coke
Title: Jack & Coke Series: Uncertain Saints MC, Book 2 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: MC Romance Release Date: May 6, 2016 Blurb: Lies Mig’s wife is a bitch. How else do you describe a woman that lies, cheats and steals to get what she wants? That’s exactly what...
Kilgore Fire: Shock Advised
Title: Shock Advised Series: Kilgore Fire, Book 1 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: April 6, 2016 Blurb: Taima, a.k.a. Tai, is the last person people come to for help. He’s the fuck up…the bad boy…the guy that only looks out for himself....
The Uncertain Saint’s MC: Whiskey Neat
Title: Whiskey Neat Series: Uncertain Saints MC, Book 1 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: MC Romance Release Date: March 3, 2016 Photographer: Furious Fotog Cover Model: Chase Ketron Blurb: Griffin Storm wasn’t prone to violence, but when someone takes what Griffin holds...
Now Available: RIGHT TO MY WRONG
Title: Right To My Wrong Series: The Heroes of the Dixie Wardens MC, Book 8 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: Romantic Suspense Release Date: February 3, 2016 Blurb: Nightmares. Sterling and Ruthie have more things in common than they realize, even though from the outside...